Sunday, October 7, 2018

Planning the Right Destination for Your First Foreign Trip

The first time's always the hardest.  This is true of many things in life, and also of traveling abroad.  If you've never had a chance to visit another country, then you might be concerned or anxious about how it will turn out, or not even sure if you actually want to travel.  Of course, I'm going to tell you that I've never met anyone who regretted starting to travel and I doubt I ever will.

However, I do hear people tell me that they are unsure about travelling to a foreign country, don't know where to go or how to start the process.  I understand that the first time can be daunting and that's why I've got some tips on how to decide on the best destination for your first trip abroad.

Take Travel Distance Into Account

If you have only a short time available for your trip, then try not to choose the most far-flung destination for your first time.  Long distance travel (anything over 24 hours door-to-door, in my book) is exhausting and not really fun - it might be fine if you're on a train but I don't think anyone stuck on a plane for more than a few hours is actually really enjoying it.  Don't spoil your trip with an overtired start.

Consider The Language

Communication when your travelling is something you should consider for your first trip abroad.  If you're really concerned about not being able to make yourself understood, then head somewhere where they speak English, or where most of the locals working in the tourism industry speak English.

However, although many people worry about this enormously before they travel, it really is true that you can make yourself understood without any common words at all.  And this can be a lot of fun, too!

Relate The Trip To Your Hobby Or Passion

A great focus for a trip abroad can be tying it in to a hobby or passion you have, as this should guarantee you'll be interested in what you see and do.  For example, if you're a motor racing fan, plan a trip to coincide with a Formula 1 race in Europe or Asia; if history's your thing, head for a country with fantastic museums like France or England.

Choose A Country You Have A Connection With

Similarly, if there's an obvious destination that you have some connection with - perhaps one of your parents or grandparents was born there - then choosing that as a destination for your first trip abroad makes a lot of sense.

Choose Your Seasons Wisely

If you're not used to either extremely hot or cold weather, then try to avoid destinations with a really different climate to yours, just for your first trip.  You'll want to feel comfortable to get used to the idea of traveling and having to deal with extreme temperatures just won't help.

Don't Be Overly Ambitious

If you're not too experienced and are feeling a bit nervous, then deciding on a long multi-country trip for your first trip is probably not a good idea. Test the waters first with a smaller trip and learn more about what you like and dislike about travel, and what your preferences are - this will help you plan a more successful bigger trip later.

Don't Judge All Travel By This Trip

And finally, whether your trip goes perfectly or somewhat haphazardly, don't expect every future trip you make to turn out the same.  Some trips go better than others although in my case I can definitely say that I've enjoyed every single one of them.  I understand not everyone naturally loves traveling as much as I do.  All I ask is you give it a try, following these tips if you need, and see how you enjoy it.

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