Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Essentials for Traveling to Australia

Australia is on most people's dream "must-visit" list.  And every person has their own packing list for this trip of a lifetime, but there are a few essentials you should be aware of before making the trip Down Under.


While the the exchange rate between the Australian dollars has been going down over the last year again the American dollar, meaning Australia is a great value for Americans right now; it still costs a lot more of those American dollars to buy the same products.  For example, a pint of beer can cost around $8 in most major cities and domestic flights are as expensive as you will find to get from one coast in the US to the other. Don't let sticker shocker ruin your trip, budget enough to truly enjoy you dream vacation.

Bug and Sun Protection

Thanks to a hole in the ozone layer, the sun in Australia is vicious.  Follow the government ads and remember to "slip, slap, slop" on sunscreen and a hat that covers your ears.  Remember, its the middle of summer in Australia during the winter here in the US.

The "mozzies" or mosquitoes and sand gnats are another nuisance that can be prevented by bug spray with DEET and a handy mosquito net.  If you visit the Outback, the latter is a must-have, even if you feel silly wearing it!

Aussie Lingo Dictionary

"But don't they speak English in Australia?"  Yes; but do you know what mozzies, sunnies, arvo, cuppa, ambo, schooner, mean?  If you have no idea what these words mean, it might not be a bad idea to invest in an Australian language dictionary.  You don't want to embarrass yourself by not knowing how to order a beer.

Travel Insurance

Australia is trying to kill you.  But really.  There are more species of lethal creatures in Oz than anywhere else in the world, namely the box jellyfish, the blue ring octopus, the funnel web spider and who could forget the crocs?  And then there's all the extreme sports, like bungee jumping, sky diving, scuba diving and rafting.  Then add the weather and the long expensive flight and the cost of the trip..  If something happens, a travel insurance policy is a must-have for all travelers, but especially those visiting Australia.  It's also important to make sure all your gear is covered, like that fancy digital camera your trip with!  For those looking at an extended stay in Australia, make sure you have a look at travel health insurance to make sure you're covered.

A Sense of Adventure

Every day is an adventure in Australia.  One day you could be exploring the Daintree Rainforest and the next you could be sleeping underground in an Outback town.  You really have to be prepared for anything.

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