Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Someplace Different for your Family Trip to Europe

       If you are planning to take your family on a trip to Europe this year, the first destinations that come to mind are the usual cultural and historic centers of London, Paris, and Rome usually come to mind.  All are great destinations; offering great sites to visit, great food and fun things to do.  But because these cities seem to be every one's choice of destination for the family trip to Europe, they can also become crowded, and very expensive.  If you want to take your family to Europe, but do not want to fight the crowds, or want more value for your trip, or maybe your family just likes to go to places that are just a little different: then here are several different options.  They offer all the European history, culture, dining, and scenery you want, but without the crowds or the costs of the big three.

The Croatian Coast
       Since it gained independence nearly twenty years ago, the nation of Croatia, or at least its 1100 miles of coast and equal number of islands have become increasingly popular.  The Dalmatian Coast, as most of the coastline is called, is filled with stunning cliffs and beaches, along with ancient and mysterious walled cities.  And the gem of the Adriatic, and the one place every traveler has to see, is Dubrovnik, located on the southwest coast.  Imagine, white limestone streets and red-tiled houses crammed into a space surrounded by 80 foot high walls right on the Adriatic Sea.  There isn't a checklist of things to do in Dubrovnik.  Its all about strolling the streets, relaxing by the sea, and just reconnecting with yourself and your family.  Factor in some of the best hotels in the region, restaurants serving fresh off the boat seafood and you have a memorable spot to enjoy a beautiful blend of culture, history, and a jewel colored sea.

Vienna, Austria
       With the history, culture and sites to match Paris, but with a fraction of the tourists; Vienna offers something for everyone who wants to really experience Europe.  Sophisticated, with its Baroque palaces and matchless art museums, Vienna is a city to adore at anytime.  When you add the music, the food, the Danube,the famous coffee houses to sit and enjoy the city life; you have one of the treasures of Europe.

Vilnius, Lithuania
       The capital of the newest nation to join the EU, has won many travel awards, tops many lists in places to travel in 2015.  Winning many awards, (cleanest air, most cost effective destination, one of the most ethical tourist destinations in the world, Vilnius is also dazzling in its Baroque beauty, and overflowing with stylish, cosmopolitan street life.  Vilnius has Europe's largest and untouched medieval city centers.  The UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town is crammed with a mix of ornate facades, fairytale churches, and winding cobbled streets, all watched over from above by the High Castle.  Combine all this living history with compelling museums, and edgy nightlife, and a low cost for your family to visit, and you have a perfect European destination for your family in 2015.

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